To promote safe boating and fellowship between boaters.
Incorporated in 1966 at Clifton Terrace Marine, Clifton Terrace Illinois, which is located on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, just north of Alton Illinois.
The original club name was the Clifton Terrace Yacht Club and remained as such until 1969 when it was changed by the membership to "Con Trios Yacht Club". The name Con Trios is derived from the Spanish phrase, "la Confluencia de los Tres Rios" meaning the confluence of the three rivers (Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois).
Governing Board:
Con Trios Yacht Club (CTYC) is governed by an elected board of officers and directors who serve one-year terms, except for the position of treasurer, secretary, and two directors who serve two-year terms each.
Membership and Eligibility:
CTYC membership is limited to 150 regular members, plus non-resident and Emeritus Life members. Regular members are at least 21 years of age and own some sort of water craft (personal water craft, ski boat, cruiser, motor yacht). Non-resident members are previous regular members who have moved away from St. . Louis and have elected to retain their CTYC membership. Emeritus Life members are members who have been in CTYC for a minimum of ten years and have attained the age of 60 years. Currently CTYC has approximately 200 total members.
Activities: (the real purpose for our club)
Boat Trips
Poker Runs
Dinner Parties
Sand Bar Parties
Safety Endowment Program:
CTYC sponsors and administers the "Edwin W. Meyer" Safety Endowment Program, providing funds to local boating organizations to help promote safe boating. Previous grant recipients include the Missouri State Water Patrol, Alton Volunteer Emergency Corps, Orchard Farm Fire Department, and the St. Charles County Underwater Rescue and Recovery Force.