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Benefit for Biondo family

Published on 11/21/2014
Most of us boaters knew John well from the restaurants he ran over the years on our river and the bands he and Cindy performed with.  His sudden death has left Cindy with substantial bills.  John was always ready to help us put on benefits for others wherever he was, now it's our turn to return at least some of the many favors.  Here is one way.
John Biondo Memorial Benefit
Sunday December 14, 2014
2-6 pm  Yacht Club St. Louis
Doors open at 1 pm
On October 28, 2014, John was taken from us all.
He loved taking care of his river family,
so now let’s help take care of his family!!
Food, drink (while it lasts) provided by Sundowners
Music provided 
Bring your favorite appetizer to share
All monies raised will go to Cindy Biondo and their family to help pay
 for the final arrangements of John Biondo.
If you are unable to attend the benefit, please send your donations to:
Greg Colletta 
3437 Cottonwood Dr.
 St. Charles MO 63301                                                           
Make checks payable to Cindy Biondo